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Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
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the Italian school system is Gentile: kitchen science is low, technical stuff, the elite has to learn Latin. So we have the habit of doing math even more Latin in high school science.
"The elementary school children love science and are very good. Perceive mathematics as a game, which may be useful. Then, at the beginning of the school breaks, is pleased that the sense of utility. It is done intentionally. "
An anti-science conspiracy?
"No, silly belief that we must teach the formal language of mathematics.
that we apply to reality is a diminutive. So the rods become "segments," to give an example. With the illusion of teaching abstract reasoning. But ending nell'astruso. The sciences are practical matters in elementary school, high school and become an abstract narrative. No longer an experiment, do not look any more. "
"But I started to divide the total hours per week in two parts. On the one hand we must certainly begin to teach the grammar of mathematics and science. But at the same time we need to invest sufficient time to solve real problems using the rules learned. Needless to infinite expressions of First Instance without knowing which way to look for something that we know not having all the necessary information. "
But the issues become.
"No, they are problems with unreal situations invented specifically for use by the rules. Instead we must do the opposite: use math to read a chart, to pay for an account, even to play the lottery. To live is to use percentages: children learn to effortlessly fractions but they go on tilt before percentages that are fractions on the basis of 100, because no one makes you use. The mathematics used to understand what data, what information we need and organize them in a logical way to understand the world and the Governor many times in our lives. "
The child scientist is transformed into a scientific illiterate high school.
"Since middle school dominates narrated a vision of science. Book learning photosynthesis, but the plants are out there. Science is the experimental method by which we learn to read the world, but our kids to school to learn more to read the grammar of a scientific phenomenon, from photosynthesis to entropy, and to report. "
"But it would be nice to have a working group that worked for months to build an experiment from a principle of physics or cellular biology or chemistry. Study the beginning and sets up the experiment. Then maybe a video clip, and it puts the Internet. "
But there are laboratories.
"Yes, and theaters, where students go and look, at best, the professor who runs an experiment abstruse This should include a scientific principle: still grammar and narrative rather than reality. "
What to do?
"In recent years, many teachers in many schools have done extraordinary things. Remain isolated experiences. The school can be changed only with small steps and only focusing on teachers and principals who want to get busy. "
Saturday, February 26, 2011
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The flip side of mobile payment .
How . With the help of a programmer, the two have worked to create Square: a magnetic reader in like a white square (2.5 centimeters) to be inserted in the audio jack of your smartphone. Then I moved on to writing the software and its application for the iPhone. The system works extremely simple: After "crawling" the paper, the reader turns the magnetic data into electrical signals, the application at this point, translates the information in an encrypted file and mail servers to Square. And 'here, finally, that the transaction is completed through the global network. The person making the purchase is required to sign directly on the phone, and then decide if you like a receipt via e-mail or text message. Create an account and it is equally easy: just download the application by the Apple App Store or (new in the last days) from the Android Market, install it on your device, accept the terms of service and enter some personal data. Et voila: the box arrives by mail within 48 hours, but right now you can accept payments by typing on the iPhone or the Droid few, essential information on the paper and its owner.
costs. Of course, convert to Square has its cost: the system, in fact, "eat" 2.75% of each transaction, a figure that includes the company's earnings and reimbursements for companies credit cards. In absolute terms, the cost may seem higher than the activation and operation of a terminal "traditional", but - at least in the U.S. market - it is not so predictable. "There are several reasons why ordinary people do not accept credit cards," explains Dorsey. "The payment system is extraordinarily complex, opaque and expensive. First you have to apply for a merchant account through a bank or an independent organization. The only question involves a credit check, which can take up to one week. Then you have to buy the 'hardware, and for wireless equipment is around $ 900. Not to mention the monthly cost: between 15 and $ 25, even if customers do not buy anything. "For all these reasons, adds Keith Rabois, COO of start-up and former business manager for PayPal and LinkedIn," agrees traders Square is a way to enhance their business " .