by the Humanist Movement in Florence I sent an urgent appeal. The arms race for which countries like USA, Russia, China, Iran and company are investing a lot of resources in spite of the economic crisis, some of them exist, but people do not want it, in the Czech Republic are 70% but the Government ignores them and he seems to want to build a missile defense radar system made in USA! Remember Vicenza ...
Who can sign and who can go to the protest because it is all well and good.
Signature and then sign the petition online http://www.nonviolence.cz/ .
What do not you ever say is that they are rearming, and this time is much more dangerous. This is the opinion of Noam Chomsky, Mikhail Gorbachev and Angelo Baracca Italian physicist who has just signed the appeal.
The Czech Parliament will speak on building a military base in the United States and is likely to vote in favor of its installation, although 70% of the population is not. Given the urgency of the situation, we launched an online petition to put pressure on Parliament and request that the matter is settled by a referendum. The design of
U.S. NMD - national missile defense system, is a very complex project which involves the production of new weapons and the installation of U.S. military bases in different parts of the planet. In particular in Europe, the first step is the installation of a radar in the Czech Republic and a base for interceptor missiles in Poland. This plan has divided Europe, which currently is not able to respond united, coherent and non-violent aggressive policy of the United States. The reaction of Russia and China have created an atmosphere of cold war. International tensions are increasing, and resumed an insane arms race (both conventional and nuclear) and above are placed bases to militarize and control space.
We ask you to support our nonviolent protest. This plan is not only the Czechs but all of Europe and, ultimately, the whole world.
In solidarity with the hunger strike activists Czechs Jan Tamas and Jan Bednar began 13 days ago to protest against the installation of a radar base also Florence joined the great movement against nuclear rearmament.
In many Italian cities to protest extends Dino Mancarella in Trieste (now in fasting for 10 days), Isabel Torres and Federica Fratini in Rome (in fasting 7 days), and all who support the protest movement against the missile defense that are emerging at this time in Budapest, London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, Copenhagen, Malaga, Toulouse and found consensus and support around the world .
The Humanist Movement and the Network Semprecontrolaguerra invite to guard information every day from 15.00 to 20.00 in Piazza Beccaria in Florence. Those who wish can join the garrison for a creative protest, giving his willingness' to: http://www.doodle.ch/47xvraa86agi2rye . Please
informed, by all means help share the news that the mainstream media will never move, maybe because they know that people do not want a new Cold War. Signature and then sign the petition online at http://www.nonviolence.cz/ .