Friday, May 28, 2010

How To Connect Computer To Pioneer

draft resolution to council

City Furtei
Province of Medio Campidano

Furtei, ______________

At Mr. Mayor of Furtei,
the Town Council to the Secretary
epc Municipal

RE: proposed resolution to the publication of documents on the corporate website of the 2010 budget

The undersigned Councillor Andrea Nonn;


that the council conducts its activities in accordance with the fundamental principles of administrative law such as law, advertising, transparency, good performance and fairness,

which is essential for citizens to be constantly informed on the activities of government, and it is equally important for the institution to put in a position to take vision and knowledge of the acts adopted by the same,


the ever-present gap between citizens and institutions and suspicion that often moves the first person to think that there is mismanagement of public resources by the administration

the need for the citizen of an ever increasing level of qualified and administrative transparency associated with a growing and qualified information and publicity,

dutiful attention the citizen who is willing and in a right to know what the effective management of public money, such as political and administrative decisions that determine the orientations of expenditure,

that the City Council is about to discuss and approve the budget estimates for the year 2010, the multiyear budget, Forecasting and Planning Report and its annexes,


appropriate to the above to make public and readily accessible to those acts of the 2010 budget and attachments, must

for greater information sharing and provide the benefit of the citizen with the inclusion in the website of the institution of all acts of the budget in pdf format. downloaded and printed,

should also make sure that these files are available to citizens throughout the period of the spending program and thus available for one year from date of publication.


everything in the introduction;

to give acting appointment to the relevant departments to publish in a short time from approval, adopted by all acts relating to the 2010 budget, the budget years 2010-2012, the report Forecasting and Planning and all other attachments provided for in Article .172 of Legislative Decree no. 267/00,

make available annually, from the date of publication and throughout the year, these actions on the website of the town as a pdf file. protected, in downloadable and printable,

to provide within two weeks of deliberation by the municipal council on the budget estimates to the online publication of the acts listed above,

give immediate enforcement of this Act under paragraph 4 Article .134 of Legislative Decree no. 267/00. Councillor
(Andrea Nonnis)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How Much Light Do We Gain Each Day

Furtei consulting young people to work for summer activities

(from L'Unione Sarda)

Furtei Young people are willing to work for their communities. But also to organize projects and initiatives for their age group. The boys have shown the City of Marmilla create the first visit of the young country's history.
First was the City Council to unanimously approve the proposal advanced by the establishment of its municipal council majority Andrea Nonn. Support for the minority group has come from Paul Caddeu. "Young people are valuable resources of the local community and therefore should be protected, preserved and cultivated so that they can express themselves and contribute to the improvement of the country," Nonn said the same. Then the assembly was held for the establishment of the council chaired by the mayor and Luciano Cau with the collaboration of the cooperative "koinos. There were about forty young people who have declared their willingness to commit to Furtei and then elected president Claudio Cabua. For the Steering Committee were selected Fabio Cabua, Daniela Obili, Francesco Ulargiu, Alessia Lai, Daniel Leo and Nicholas Cade.
"A moment of high democratic participation," he added more Nonn. 'An historical result merit of the work of a founding group to which we are grateful, "said the mayor, who was also his best wishes to the newly-see," comes an official space of democratic dialogue between young people and between them and Furtei administration. " He followed the Assessor youth Tolmirio Leo: "For the first time created an organization that offers young people the opportunity to comment on their future in terms of cultural, sporting and social." The consultation is already working to organize summer activities. (

Monday, May 24, 2010

How Much Cloth Required For Anarkali Suit

the anniversary of assassination of Falcone, his wife and escort ... I can say I have been to Palermo ... I can say I participated actively conviction of a cultural phenomenon, crime and criminal mafia ... what is the cancer of Italian society, depravity of power and individual ...... the victims of the Mafia, do not forget! (23.05.1992-23.05.2010)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How To Remove Kidde Co Alarm

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Stove Installer Australia

NANNI ULARGIU candidate for the provincial council in the Middle Campidano College Furtei-Segariu

Nanni ulargiu outgoing provincial councilor, will be seeking 30 and May 31 vote of the electors of the territory. That territory, which he represented, from the benches of the minority in the provincial council, also in a clear, clean and simple. Nanni Ulargiu is for our area and wants to continue to be, as it has done so far. NANNI ULARGIU with the People of Liberty PROVINCIAL COUNCIL OF MIDDLE CAMPIDANO!

Nanni is a candidate list of the People of Freedom for the College No. 21 of Furtei Segariu-presidential candidate and supports the Efisio Luigi Meloni. PDL
MIDDLE CAMPIDANO SERIOUS NEED OF REPRESENTATIVES, transparency and with a single value, representing the citizens INSTITUTIONS IN!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Clothes That Suit A Tall Slender Man

guide the city council 05/13/2005



((furterese juvenile institution shall consult and approval status)) Regarding the first point I have spoken to the agenda for submit the proposal to establish;

1) The administration will consult to establish the
• To enable the youth community to have channels and tools to act
• Willingness to engage, to participate, to empower young people on issues which affect them most closely
• Giving young people opportunities and resources to enable them to enhance their skills themselves and their potential and social capital
• Commitment to young people as they are the future of tomorrow and are too valuable to be left without any attention

2) The group promoter and location of training
• A dozen boys and students who agreed to begin this training process • Project
accompanying entrusted to coop koinos, training, and complete autonomy of the institution shall consult
• Learn to reflect on the problems of youth, needs to read, translate ideas into concrete proposals and actions
• Elaboration of the Statute
• The youth participation in local and regional ( European Charter)
• Stimulus to mature and improve the social and cultural consciousness for young people and their world
• OBJECTIVES: possible social, advisory role, intervention in decision-making that affects them, establishing a cohesive group and operational
• RESOURCES: training project and the establishment
€ 3900 • TIMES AND ': 6 months with regular meetings in accordance with a program developed by koinos and its experts in the field of youth policies

3) The presentation of the project CGF Constituent Assembly
• Presentation of the youth furterese last April 23 by AMM. it together in an initial
• Start collecting subscriptions and advertising consult the newly-formed youth organization and the constituent assembly to be held May 15
• Election of officers and consult fully operational
• Financial resources and other
• Power advisory and consulting

4) • Statute
AIMS '(match, knowledge of the youth projects, proposals, initiatives, collaboration with other, information for young people, a reference point, together with similar groups around the area) • SKILLS
(in area of \u200b\u200byouth policy can bring express non-binding opinions and be consulted by the fine. ne)
• COMPOSITION (young people aged between 15 and 30 years who request it and the members of law) •
BODIES (assembly members, the Executive Board, President, Coordinating Office )
• Relations with Institutions (through the dept. coordination of policies and annual general meeting summary, participation to city councils, planning according to the key objectives-ways-means-necessary resources)
• RESOURCES (special chapter of the budget)
• DURATION AND RENEWAL (Cont. time but the municipal council executive last 2 years)

5) In conclusion:
Approve a project to do is to increase: •
• Citizenship and social inclusion of young
• Preparation of proposals and ideas from the administration which was designed by BE PUT IN

Following an intervention by the adviser to minority Caddeu Paul essentially agrees with the proposal in its entirety, and the regulations and therefore declaring a vote of their group.

voted unanimously of those present, has established the Council furterese youth and they have approved status.

((Communications from the Mayor)) With regard to communications from the Mayor, in announcing the change in these cosist reached between the former alderman Mascia Manzari replaced the Councillor and vice-mayor from the former councilor Mascia Prinzis alderman. In addition, alderman were Manzari granted the powers of sports, clubs and culture.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Maria From Auntjudy´s

municipal election commission, appoint scrutineers for the provincial elections of 30-31 May 2010

this matter of utmost transparency, necessary and obligatory with great pleasure that I dedicate the time to write these few lines ... also because already in the air spinning like a hint of "not transparent" or as "false transparency "or worse" transparency deliberately manipulated and modified for political-electoral "...

let's explain a bit:

- the law provides that the municipal election commission is composed of two representatives from the small towns of the majority, the opposition and a mayor who presides over it;
- these provincial elections, the number of Effective scrutineers to be appointed by section is 4;
- 3 of which the majority and an opposition;
- so if you multiply by No. 2 section, there are six names expressed by the majority and minority expressed by two names, no more plain and simple.
- it just so happens, however, that the roles seem reversed as to that of the tellers, that ill-informed, surprisingly, almost all 8 would be the appointment of the minority! But as possible? 4-5 has appointed scrutineers when the law says that minorities have the right to appoint only two tellers? mah ...

take their names and tell them to go, "I have appointed me," there may well be ... but I do not think we can stand the fact to take the names of the other political party and go and tell them the same "I have appointed me" ... but is it possible?

misconduct and how little respect is in such behavior implemented solely and exclusively for instrumental and veiled blackmail?

comunqe for more detailed information below the actual list of tellers who have been appointed respectively by the majority and opposition. Duty to inform.

Nonn MARINA (majority) Congo will
2 (majority)
ANDREA 3 MOI (majority)

1 Munton (majority)
2 GERMAN STEFANO (majority) 3
Pazzola MARY CELESTE (majority)
4 ORNELLA CONI (minority)

hours at this point, how does the minority get to tell people (nominated by the majority) of them designated by itself? Not correct I would say ... would seem at least 4 names of the minority, as well as those two actually cast, it should add at least another two in their view ... and so they did! ...

well, the accuracy for these seems an option here!

ah, again for the record: the committee members are: Mayor
, luciano cause actual majority
components: alessia conga and andrea Nonn
permanent member minority: nicola cause
components alternates majority Antonio Manzari and rosaria Nonn
compnente deputy minority pierangelo Desogus

Monday, May 10, 2010

Gurl Masterbates In Car


WE FINALLY! CONSULT THE CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY AND YOUTH FURTERESE '... And now AT THE GATES' REALITY ', It 'a certainty and a strong commitment from the municipal administration. NOW THE WORD TO YOUNG, willing, PARTICIPATING, initiative and AMBITIOUS!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Eyeshadow Primer In Drugstores

NANNI ULARGIU candidate for the provincial council in the Middle Campidano College Furtei-Segariu

Hello dear / to! As you well know
later this month, just 30 and May 31 will be called to the polls to democratically express our provincial administration, the average campidano. Province founded only five years ago and for the first time has to renew its President, its Board and its counsel. Were important these past 5 years, where more or less represented the territory, more or less exploited it in terms of financial and image, more or less tried to "feud" according to its own logic and interests . Opprobrious term, but this gives an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat has been done in our province in the last five years. We have seen a continual contenders for the provincial center of gravity, a push and pull to the side to, ruthless, unprecedented, and most importantly to the detriment of citizenship and the problems of the territory. He could see an endless and not yet finished when they did not know whether to put the first letters in Villacidro Sanluri or provincial, where to establish the institutional, or if the focus of the province was better to move to the south end thereof. A center of gravity a bit 'low center of gravity I guess.
Let me explain what I mean talking about gravity, I mean simply that a province can not be made by one reality of the area and only one Villacidrese Samassese, Sangavinese, and Sanlurese Serrentese. However, our province is also made of Marmilla Marmilla so much! Furtei, Segariu, Lunamatrona Villanovafranca, gesture, Barumini
... What has happened in recent years ... The province
Green, of which we boast so much in the presidential offices in the province itself, it was exclusively for the Middle Campidano in my view. The resources and attention necessary to the whole were concentrated in one area, not representative of the rest and above all to the detriment of others. Let me explain further, trying to be brief and immediate: the province was only realized to its most productive, ie areas Sanluri, Villacidro, Serrenti, Sangavino the Arburese, Guspini, and Samassi Serramanna. And then?? The rest ...
Marmilla, I do not think has had the same attention in terms of economic and financial support to projects for municipalities both in terms of initiatives related to these areas, culturally rich and probably badly exploited economically. But areas still existing and in need of attention from the policy. Care more often referred to Furtei, Segariu, Lunamatrona Barumini and who knows the reality of smaller, Setzu, Genuri, Villanovaforru and let alone Las Plassas probably have never received. The center of gravity of the province can not be moved to this area more productive, more populous and more profitable in terms of electoral support. The province is all, from Arbus to Segariu from Setzu in Serrenti!
The road networks, pitiful in certain situations and more pitiful to see them in their reconstruction in this election. How many road works can be appreciated now if you go for a ride to the Middle Campidano?? I would say definitely more than one ... attention and resources, this is what needs to ... area
The environmental situation of the mine due Furtei but we want to talk about? nice to be seen only when the solution and never before! ... but in all these five years earlier, the deputy who did? the presidency he has done in these 5 years to ensure it came to that disastrous situation of the SGM, then at least partially resolved by the region in recent weeks. Why go to sign knowing a protocol not to have made a constant effort than in the past two months? mah ... easy to collect and allocate the free consent of the other merits.
The situation with regard to young people and their possibilities and I will certainly speak! But can a province attentive to the welfare of its citizens, to have all institutions of secondary education concentrated in one area (always the center of gravity for instance, and which can stay there) and do not allow young students to easily reach these areas? may have to be crossed to reach the starting Sanluri Villanovafranca, Genuri, gesture? nell'autostop you may have hoped to return soon after you go to lunch woke up at 6 to go to school? I would say no. Not only is it possible, but it is tolerable. Lack of attention to the citizens of the most "remote" in the Middle campidano, Instead, the strengthening of public transport services to and from the secondary schools.
And again, agriculture. But can the economy of the Middle campidano should only and exclusively have a vocation for agriculture because that is the field most congenial to those who administer as well as unique historical tradition? I would say no. An agricultural district must also be reliable, but must also be industry and in our case especially when the third sector, commercial and service sectors to be clear. In these five years instead of "living countryside", "melon dry", "legumes", "agriculture" and many others. Yes, they are good for agriculture, but not enough for the entire local economy!
Civil Protection. We talk just to say that you can not be a flood and then switch to free a year later at the same time and make a tutorial than a year and a half calamitous event. But what if it was repeated in November '09, what would happen? You can imagine. But no, in practice a year and a half, but look just before the election! The province is, it works and has a plan civil protection, a bit 'late I guess.
training and work. It makes me think about the situation of workers of former sgm Furtei. But where was the province since 2005 with his department to work? Mah ... who saw them would be lucky. But can go to the extreme and degenerate to be able to remedy and hand? ... I would say no, and instead has been done so. Unfortunate and untenable situation, ah, it's time to act! ... One word, ridiculous!
Then, some more consideration, but you can leave the newspaper and be seen only in view of the looming election campaign, and say this and that as much as possible to attract consensus and voters? ... But you can then disappear into thin air and stay in anonymity in the attendance of the provincial council or even worse in bonuses assessoriali? ... then no, we citizens receive a minimum of activity in the area? ... I would not be tolerated. I say again, but you can then do with public money, pure and simple campaign pro this or that by sending the families a brochure that says "I did, I did, I did" and for that I deserve to go! To mah ... me perplexed!
not know about you ... These are just some of the reasons why in this election complex and tough, I can only be an "opponent" of what was the bad habit outgoing provincial administration. I think it has worked, but for herself and for the few neighbors close to it. Forget about half of the territory, ie Marmilla, estranged and not considering it as a lively, substantial and integral part of the province itself!
why I will support the battle until the last day against a system that has not only failed, but because of the newly formed province, I have to say that he will have come just in the worst way! The battle in the college-Furtei Segariu will do supporting the candidate of the PDL, NANNI ULARGIU and giving him the credit as the outgoing director of the minority, they fought to represent that part of the territory more often forgotten but unfortunately also often need attention, much attention because of problems of great magnitude. Entity too big to be the responsibility of local governments.
For now I conclude here my impressions of these, hoping to stimulate debate, but I think it still can not change my position. I hope instead to understand those who still do not know or would insist on not understanding that "silver is not all that glitters ...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

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