This is a painting by Thomas Cole. It is titled "The Oxbow." E 'was made in 1836 and symbolizes the journey of the American west. On the right side of the picture all is bright, there is life, there is the river, in short, that part was "civilized" after the 'arrival of the future saviors of the world. On the left there is that ugly stain Black has yet to be enlightened by reason and by divine mandate of the now ex-colonies.
In fact there was a black spot behind the people who already inhabited these lands for thousands of years: the so called "American Indians" and the "civilizing" have largely wiped out and imprisoned in a small number of reservations to say the least humiliating . Soon will come the post over the red man, and is ready for the second Japanese monster, but I do not think to do:)
PS I know someone sent me an e-mail to 'address everberz @ gmail. it by clicking the link on the left to regard the "Report to the custom." I do not have this mail because gave me problems. Write me up .
''Immigrants who apply for residence if they satisfy the requirements should be placed under observation for six months. The moment you get up residence on the Committee should take over the task to track their movements and monitor their behavior, even going to ask about the neighbors. Spent the first six months, if foreigners have behaved well, then they can stay, otherwise they shall be subject to other verification of three months and then deported. It would just make him understand what it entails using same methods of the Nazis: for each Treviso that do damage or disturbance, are punished ten-country.'' Giorgio Betti, councilor of the Northern League in Treviso. December 4, 2007
projects of the past and the memories of the future
I recently found out (unfortunately) a song. The author is Federico Salvatore ... Yes, to "Reset" and "accidents" to the vomer, in paradise, etc. ... What plays guitar with his left hand but using a right-handed without reversing the strings (azz), the one who has participated in San Remo with a beautiful song entitled "The Door" and of course that did not win. Now this singer-songwriter has changed the road. For years now, no more songs than before: those who launched the comic Maurizio Costanzo Show, in which the singer contrasted two figures, and Salvatore Federico, a rich and snobbish, the other poor and rough, and is dedicated to songs and more serious complaints, many of them accompanied by the beautiful folk music of Naples, his hometown, he loves and who is the protagonist of many of his canzoni.In a country with any sense of culture that choice would have been worth the limelight and rather strange in our community, cost him popularity that he had cut out. Whatever the fame, money and so-called "successes", Federico has preferred other values \u200b\u200bas the true "music" stripped of all the posts that 'the industry has put in tempo.La song is called "If I were San Gennaro," has as its basis a typical Neapolitan chord progression that accompanies the rhymes kissed put there to art. Frederick Salvatore literally is unleashed against the decay of Naples in recent decades, focusing on the faults of the Neapolitans themselves and throwing darts at people also known as Pino Daniele, Renzo Arbore and "neomelodici" to Gigi D'Alessio. The song has clearly sparked controversy but I do not want to talk about this because of 'attachment to this' man, fully shared by the popular culture of Naples is rich in art and history, which has given so much in Italy and the world and that, alas, in search of what many call progress, is losing its identity and its values. So here is that the "business center" becomes a "urinal", which the professor teaches "the art of getting by," that in a "Napoli stealing in every newscast" feels stench of "crime, cocaine and pizza margherita" . But what surprised me most was that describe his progress as a look behind, as a knowledge of their own foundations to be able to build on something, like a reminder to what happened yesterday if you want to know what to do tomorrow Otherwise, you're lost. I do not want to anticipate too much what it says in the song and leave you with two movies to be able to listen directly. The first is a series of photos that are followed during the song and that "accompany" the text, the second is a live performance for "Apocalypse Show" in which Fred, television needs to cut a couple of lines but it's worth see.
Good Listening!
Well among the successful people there are many who are "good people," Please do not generalize. When they finish a song and part of the applause they go away smiling and happy and some people's applause if he deserves. But as you saw in the second video, the likes of Federico Salvatore did not go away go away smiling but moved and do not know about you but I think they should be considered to be the "role models" than the others.
Japanese Monsters # 1: Japanese Monsters Amamehagi
It 's a monster in the north east of Japan, it is winter in pairs of two or three, especially the night of the new agricultural year. What does it do when it appears?
Devours men more lazy! The farmers then host the various Amamehagi and promise them to engage and work very well 's next year. Of course, the "penance" is brutal (if not, would not be a monster), but as Mizuki tells us the author of the book, this is a "monster instructive. The very name "Amamehagi" is indicative. "Amame" means "call the feet", that is when you work a lot. Here it is used in an ironic sense, and alludes to the callus that comes to sit when you do nothing. " Hagi" instead means "root out" and then Amamehagi is the one who weeds out the corn that is to lazy. I think this monster is also an expression of the culture of work typical of the Japanese who are famous for their devotion to duty of every day. There are, for example, many workers who do not enjoy all the holidays they are entitled, the unemployment rate is among the lowest in the world and loafers or "suspected these "are severely marginalized by society.
I decided to start a kind of" serious ". There is a book titled" Encyclopedia of Japanese monsters, "written by Shigeru Mizuki. In this book are told all the monsters of Japanese culture. There's all sorts. It will choose some of the ones I find most interesting.
Nell 'introduction by Andrew Baricardi we are told that the book's content no legends or fairy tales but a very particular world that has the flavor of real events, of which there is no evidence. It 's a great premise calandoci these characters to live in reality with which they lived in Japan. After all, we always explain Baricardi, the scenarios in which the Japanese projected their monsters were not just mysterious as humid forests and rugged mountains but they were real newspapers like the dark recesses of the house, the courtyard and the rice fields. E 'in this dialectic between the real and unreal are projected monsters, fantastic representation of a real fear. "And 'impressive unreality of reality to make us feel small in front of the' unknown, and not the monster that embodies."