It 's a monster in the north east of Japan, it is winter in pairs of two or three, especially the night of the new agricultural year. What does it do when it appears?
Devours men more lazy! The farmers then host the various Amamehagi and promise them to engage and work very well 's next year. Of course, the "penance" is brutal (if not, would not be a monster), but as Mizuki tells us the author of the book, this is a "monster instructive. The very name "Amamehagi" is indicative. "Amame" means "call the feet", that is when you work a lot. Here it is used in an ironic sense, and alludes to the callus that comes to sit when you do nothing. " Hagi" instead means "root out" and then Amamehagi is the one who weeds out the corn that is to lazy. I think this monster is also an expression of the culture of work typical of the Japanese who are famous for their devotion to duty of every day. There are, for example, many workers who do not enjoy all the holidays they are entitled, the unemployment rate is among the lowest in the world and loafers or "suspected these "are severely marginalized by society.
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