I hate to study or read the story with dates and number of matches. And 'I think the worst way, in high school we did study a lot of that date and of those kings that we do not remember almost anything. Lost time. The story in my opinion should be designed differently, the war of 100 years, that of thirty, the crossing of the Rubicon ... it is ok .. but the people who made it in the meantime? In ancient Greece, Sparta and Athens are challenged ok .. but there was a huge cultural movement, do not we talk? If you ask me as a greek living at the time of Plato do not know ... but it would also be interesting and useful.
The dates and anniversaries but are we to make us a frame of what has happened to Native Americans. They speak of "genocide" ... like he's wrong?
follow soon stories of tribes, different customs, testimonials etc. ...
I took this history from bibliolab.it
20.000ca . Dissemination of man in North America. 9500 American Paleolithic.
6000 Neolithic American.
3600 culture of maize.
300 AD. Work of copper and obsidian.
700 pottery.
1000 contacts between the Scandinavian Greenland and the Indians of eastern North America.
1492 Landing of Christopher Columbus in the Antilles.
1500 Court prisoners Real ago some Indians of North America.
1535 J. Cartier falls along the San Lorenzo and makes prisoners of the Indians.
1539 Indians in resisting the invasion of Florida led by Soto.
1541 Beginning of colonization of Canada.
1550 fur trade with Europeans on the east coast tribes.
1605 Distribution of the horse, the English in Santa Fe.
1607 Foundation of Virginia.
1616 The first Catholic missionaries penetrate among the tribes of the East.
1620 disembark on the shores of New England, the Pilgrims of the Mayflower
1624 The Dutch founded New Amsterdam.
1637 Pequot Massacre by the Puritans.
1640-50 French and Indian War. The Iroquois, allies of the British fight for control of the fur market, against the Hurons, allies of the French and defeated them -> the Chippewa migrate south and west to escape the conflict and force the Sioux and Cree to the area of \u200b\u200bthe prairies -> Indian Wars between 1642
Foundation of Montreal.
1644 Indian revolt in Virginia. The Iroquois attack Montreal. The English they rename New Amsterdam as New York.
1665 massacre of the Iroquois by the regiment of Carignan-Salières.
1675 Narraganset Wampanoag and attack the cities of New England. King Philip led the fight, but provided few weapons the Indians are beaten, locked in stocks and forced to convert to Christianity. Then they will be used as mercenaries against other Indians and will be taught to get scalps: in 1703 the Government of Massachaussets pay 12 pounds for the scalp, the fee will go to 100 in 1722.
1695 The French settled in the Mississippi Delta.
1701 real Authorization for the French colonists in obtaining Indian slaves in Louisiana.
1710 struggles of the Indians along the Mississippi against the French and English.
1718 Foundation of New Orleans.
1748-56 Indians strongly defend the territories of Ohio, we see a double line: the Algonquins with the French, Iroquois with the British that the war while fighting with each other for seven years
1759 The British conquer Quebec.
1760-61 War of the Cherokee.
1763 Treaty of Paris marks the victory of the English and the end of French rule in North America. Massacre of the Conestoga in Pennsylvania. Indians will have the right to the lands west of the Appalachians.
1768 The Iroquois are pushed back to Ohio.
1769 The English settlers occupy Kentucky.
1775 Start the War of Independence, the Indians are involved in the conflict.
1778 first treaty between the U.S. and Delaware.
1783 Independence of the 13 states and the constitution, four years later, the United States.
1787-94 Revolt of the Miami and Shawnee.
1795 Tecumseh strives to unite the Indians.
1803 sale of Louisiana to the United States.
1811 defeat of the Shawnee in Tippecanoe.
1812 War between the United States and Great Britain, War Creek. Sauk, Fox and Sioux to the west of the Mississippi.
1821 The United States buys Florida. Sequoya invented an alphabet for the Cherokee language.
1824 Creation of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
1825-30 Uprising Black Hawk
1828 first Official Publication of the Indians.
1830 Deportation of the tribes west of the Mississippi.
1832 Death of Black Hawk
1834 The army is responsible for monitoring the reserves. Prohibition of sale of alcohol to Indians.
1835-40 The Seminoles opposed to Oseola resistance in Florida.
1841 Act pre-emption of the pioneers of the West.
1847-48 Annexation to the United States of Califomia, Texas and the land south-east. Cayuse War in California, the Indians of this region lose their land.
1849 discovery of gold in California.
1851 Treaty of Fort Laramie between Northwest tribes and the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
1861-65 Civil War. Sioux Uprising in Minnesota.
1862 Hanging of 39 Sioux in Mankato.
1862-65 Revolt of the Navajo.
1863 struggle Cochise and Mangas Colorado.
1864 Cheyenne Sand Creek Massacre.
1865 Abolition of slavery.
1866 Sioux destroy the detachment Fetterman.
1867 Handcook campaign against the Sioux and Custer.
1868 Massacre of Cheyenne on the Washita River by Custer.
1868-75 Slaughter of bison; conquest of the West by pioneers.
1869 Completion of the transcontinental railroad Pacific Railway.
1870 Construction of the Northem Pacific Railway in Minnesota.
1871 massacre of Apaches at Camp Grant.
1872 Rebellion Modoc Captain Jack in Oregon.
1874 discovery of gold in the sacred lands of the Sioux. Attack of the Comanches at Adobe Walls.
1876 Crazy Horse stands on the banks of Rosebud. Sitting Bull defeated Custer at Little Big Hom.
1877 Pierced Noses Retreat led by Chief Joseph, Oregon.
1878 Shipments of Cheyenne's blunt knife.
1880-85 struggle Geronimo in the Southwest.
1883 The U.S. Supreme Court decides that the American Indian to be considered a foreigner.
1885 Brulé Rebellion in Canada.
1889 Opening of Oklahoma to white settlement.
1890 Killing of Sitting Bull. Massacre at Wounded Knee.
1898 Revolt of the Ojibway of Minnesota.
1914-18 World War, 10,000 Indians participated in the war.
1924 The Indians are recognized as citizens of United States.
1929 economic crisis.
1933 FD Roosevelt was elected president.
1938 Right to vote rejected the Indians in seven states.
1939-40 Second World War: we have 30,000 Indians.
1944 Foundation of the National Congress of American Indians.
1950 Ban on Indian reservations to buy alcohol and buy lands in certain states.
1953 Congress approves the abolition of the protection of the federal reserves.
1960 Beginning of the civil rights movement for blacks.
1961 Start the American war in Vietnam. JF Kennedy was president. Foundation of the National Indian Youth Council.
196 3 Kennedy assassination.
1965 Assassination of Malcolm X. Meeting of the Navajo with the militants blacks.
1968 Foundation of the American Indian Movement.
1969 Occupation of Alcatraz.
1971 Occupation of Mayflower III.
1972 Employment Bureau of Indian Affairs in Washington.
1973 the village of Wounded Knee Occupation by AIMA militants.
1977 in Geneva in late September, the Red Indians of North America accuse the U.S. of "genocide" during the conference of indigenous peoples of North, Central and South American in a session of the Legal Committee chaired by Niail McDermor, Secretary-General of the International Commission of Jurists. This is the first successful attempt by the North American Indians to make a defense of their rights in an international forum.
1980 After a 60-year legal battle, the Sioux got to the Supreme Court decision, 100 million dollars to compensate for the loss of the Black Hills occurred in 187 I. It is said that their biggest victory since Little Big Horn. But the leaders require the restitution of land rather than money. Justice takes its course? Auguriamocelo. An immense effort of the Native Americans has come to bear fruit, in fact, many tribes have already benefited from major damages. Thus, in Canada, Creese, driven from their land for the construction of James Bay's largest hydroelectric dam in the world, received $ 220 million. For their part, the indigenous people of Alaska will receive a billion within 10 years.
1992 In the fifth centenary the discovery of America, a vibrant protest was raised by the entire Indian population of North America against the manifestations, which were held in America and Europe to celebrate an historic event, which took over the taste of a bloody conquest of a discovery.
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