municipal election commission, appoint scrutineers for the provincial elections of 30-31 May 2010
this matter of utmost transparency, necessary and obligatory with great pleasure that I dedicate the time to write these few lines ... also because already in the air spinning like a hint of "not transparent" or as "false transparency "or worse" transparency deliberately manipulated and modified for political-electoral "...
let's explain a bit:
- the law provides that the municipal election commission is composed of two representatives from the small towns of the majority, the opposition and a mayor who presides over it;
- these provincial elections, the number of Effective scrutineers to be appointed by section is 4;
- 3 of which the majority and an opposition;
- so if you multiply by No. 2 section, there are six names expressed by the majority and minority expressed by two names, no more plain and simple.
- it just so happens, however, that the roles seem reversed as to that of the tellers, that ill-informed, surprisingly, almost all 8 would be the appointment of the minority! But as possible? 4-5 has appointed scrutineers when the law says that minorities have the right to appoint only two tellers? mah ...
take their names and tell them to go, "I have appointed me," there may well be ... but I do not think we can stand the fact to take the names of the other political party and go and tell them the same "I have appointed me" ... but is it possible?
misconduct and how little respect is in such behavior implemented solely and exclusively for instrumental and veiled blackmail?
comunqe for more detailed information below the actual list of tellers who have been appointed respectively by the majority and opposition. Duty to inform.
Nonn MARINA (majority) Congo will
2 (majority)
ANDREA 3 MOI (majority)
1 Munton (majority)
2 GERMAN STEFANO (majority) 3
Pazzola MARY CELESTE (majority)
4 ORNELLA CONI (minority)
hours at this point, how does the minority get to tell people (nominated by the majority) of them designated by itself? Not correct I would say ... would seem at least 4 names of the minority, as well as those two actually cast, it should add at least another two in their view ... and so they did! ...
well, the accuracy for these seems an option here!
ah, again for the record: the committee members are: Mayor
, luciano cause actual majority
components: alessia conga and andrea Nonn
permanent member minority: nicola cause
components alternates majority Antonio Manzari and rosaria Nonn
compnente deputy minority pierangelo Desogus
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