But ah, it's time that I do not write!
and this should be a better time on the evening of my birthday and returning from an endless but pleasant meeting of the Assembly of Youth Look Furterese (CGF). Going step by step now, these boys and girls here are slowly doing and achieving important goals. By now, no longer a mass amorphous and unaware of young men and young women without ideas, without initiative and tenacity! ... This is what I want to do, and how if they want to, I am really pleased with them and the fact that I have embraced this idea that now is alive for a year and now walking on his legs. I am glad that these guys have realized that not only Furtei Ichnusa, Bar Mimmo, square or-nothing night. Guys who understand what their potential and their ability to do that thanks to "put in a position" on the part of the municipal administration. So
CGF very active and operational, so good job and good summer at all consult and consult!
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