The title of this post is the famous axiom of Watzlawick, one can not communicate! ... Nothing more true when you consider that today the company thrives on communication and communication. All communicate, we must have a need ... always!
The City of Furtei wanted to do with their own citizens. Communicate with them in a new way, immediate, simple and effective. It indeed made a substantial investment in creating a text message and email information service institutions. The municipality, whenever needs to reach the citizens now can do so by interacting directly with them. In their phone They will receive a text message in your mailbox and e-mail will receive an e-mail.
Nothing could be more innovative and modern!
To join the service, the procedure is simple: just go to town office protocol, ask the form on purpose (also downloadable from the site www.comune.furtei.ca.it) complete and sign. Will be requested phone number and email address if you want both services, otherwise you can opt for only one of the two. It 'obvious that the potential of SMS service are many and allow anyone to receive the information without too much difficulty. Should be emphasized that the data will be used exclusively for use by the institutional information. In full compliance with applicable law on privacy will be listed only those who make the request and shall give their assent. E 'possible if you are not satisfied with the service, fill out the required form for cancellation of their data.
It 'an opportunity to inform and be informed.
One can not communicate!