During recent years the press has become something that was not the first. There is now in front of a newspaper already knew, is very aware that it will be this rather than that other political party. Not to do simple examples and discount But we know that the "newspaper", "free", "unity" or "the Republic," newspapers that are well suited to politics and I think that they do well.
said that the problem I see is not so much of the newspaper itself that tries to steer public opinion one way or the other depending on domestic or foreign policy needs. The problem I see are the journalists caught in what should be their professional role. Let me be clear I am not a journalist and I will not even teach the craft to someone, but I want to express (as well as journalists claim) freely my thoughts, my opinion that can be shared or not.
today's paper is often a politician, is often one that plays a role because Dasein affiliate to work ... there are other and from without distinction, and those who simply say that only the newspaper are the worst, should take a bath of humility and recognize that the press sucks sucks just as certain policy.
policy on the other hand look for and uses of this generation of journalists because they know that they can be a tool, a weapon from the immense potential, the journalists on their side (which are not only journalists, because in their hearts and politicians are also people who vote) will provide this service for pure spirit of "dedication" to the desire to inform. Well, a bit of nonsense about what should be theory as the foundation of journalism, namely telling things in an objective and unbiased, stripping to the maximum capacity of subjectivity and interpretation of the object. But no, the reporter ours, is what puts us in telling its a fact, not objective, it shows the guy or phrases of Dick, but we embroider on your opinion or point of view and shows that this is more important for the editorial or the Sunday edition.
Dear journalists is good policy to assume its responsibilities without it? ...
a journalist is entitled to write and to make policy as if behind a barricade, of course he is a journalist!
the political, in politics, makes decisions, takes responsibility, is measured in the elections and also if by chance he does something wrong will be put to the slaughter by the press, which form the public, who vote, protest, complain, and so on. ..
I say then, but come back and do the real journalism from politics and you will see that there will be a different attitude towards you. Being a journalist is not part of being a journalist, is another thing, is to be a politician disguised as a writer and journalist who vote, is pushing for this political party, which says its looking for consensus, trying to do everything possible to eliminate the political.
But if you like so much to do political journalists, and are free to do so, which stand as candidates, which are measured with the electorate and the government and the government. They realize what it means to govern a country and / or try to keep it standing outside having a group of looters who works should report what you do fair amount of mud thrown at for the mere exercise of writing (political). ..
I'd be so curious to see this distress, Sallusti, Belpietro or something well or Mentana Santoro ... not to mention Felt or De Gregorio ... I would be curious to see how those elected to govern the country (obviously put in their beloved political factions) succeed ... well, I have some doubts!
of journalists and they say they believe they must do information in total freedom of expression enshrined in the Constitution. But the Constitution also says everyone is free to stand in and make policy, and no one will prevent that. Journalists my hand, you do politics disguised as journalists. I do not know why but I really think that this thing here is one of the many ills of Italy and if many of you did solely and exclusively "INFORMATION" maybe you hear about the real problems of the country and perhaps maybe some political commitment to a minimum of more because we would know very well that it would put the piece on the press must be earned on merit and not belonging to or owned publications.
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