I also want to express some of my personal observations and opinions regarding the Economic and Financial Planning 2010. I would immediately precede that my attitude towards the junta and the majority of that group can only be beneficial not only for the programmatic and political ties but also and especially for the proper function of the junta itself. It is obvious that the time has come for this junta, which took office two years from now, to give the body with more strength and vigor to those maneuvers are complex and sometimes development, service delivery and Furterese welfare of society. That these maneuvers were and are currently point program for which you are providing the design, research of financial resources (multiple potential sources of funding) and the implementation of policies. And 'positive ad'ora up the work of the junta, despite criticism that it has faced and will continue to suffer and deal with strength and tenacity in trying to make up a context, that of the smaller local authorities, in which is particularly difficult but not impossible to put in place effective policy actions.
The critical that local authorities are facing are well expressed by ANCI, which from the start has sided against the credit crunch imposed on municipalities by the national budget. Characterized by the fact that these financial institutions should operate in their own reality with scarce resources if not laughable at times and continuing to keep in mind that those are the fixed principles of administrative law, specifically the so-called E 3, cost, effectiveness and efficiency.
As I just said, the context in which they operate small municipalities is not the most favorable and easy especially when you consider what is their financial situation, determined and influenced by the dynamics in a gross national and especially the last two financial laws approved by government, particularly restrictive in response to an economic crisis that has very few sources in local finance. Finance laws that in both these cases have further narrow the scope of the municipalities, they are bound by the Stability Pact or not (like us). Finance laws, which were identified in the municipalities and regions of the major sources of waste and inadequate management of public money and therefore legitimately be covered by reducing transfers and economic resources that once ensured greater spending power and ability to develop innovative policies, far-sighted and ambitious. Unfortunately, in the municipality of Furtei, as in almost all of the over 8100 Italian municipalities, the blanket is very short and at times seems to be insufficient to meet all expenditure requirements. Nevertheless, the budget that we are analyzing is characterized by balance, coherence and consistency compared to previous programming. And 'in fact, characterized in that the previous year can not be held large and significant cuts in resources, if not for minor items of expenditure.
That said, I can say with utter consistency and awareness that this spending plan is generally acceptable and is suited to address the legislature next year with the minimum of serenity that perhaps other municipalities in the district can not boast any way. E ' be noted that despite the delay in the approval in the Council, there are some possibilities to predict a budget surplus that could be regarded as a "treasure" of additional resources to invest and entirely devoted to achieving the goals that this administration has set.
I must, however, with additional awareness and consistency going into the details of some items that I think deserve a minimum of attention and where I believe we must spend some of my word. Specifically, I consider admirable accomplishments by regarding the passage (with relative sparing of resources in the order of tens of thousands of €) CISA in the service of the union of municipalities for the disposal of municipal solid waste. (Save for the citizen in the order of 17%). I must mention the establishment of a major bodies such as civil protection within which they pursue goals not only total but also sometimes to the safety and security and protection of citizenship. I must also consider noteworthy resources confirmed previous year regarding the right to education and social spending in general. Yet to be reported as positive resources for the restoration of the church and those which it is hoped the work can come from any regional funding PIP. Also positive assistance grant and contribution ordinary, local associations and promoting local initiatives. Worth mentioning also the regional and national calls to which you are involved with several projects which are still under consideration by the respective commissions, which could finance development initiatives and training for the local community.
would be many other budget items to be considered as positive and acceptable, but in my speech but I do feel a duty to report and express concerns and pro-positivity in respect of certain expenditure items.
The first, which I consider particularly important given the size of the event is relative to the resources allocated to national holidays and solemnity. Given that next year there will be a celebration of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy it would be appropriate and proper for the purpose of preserving and strengthening the unity and national identity for a proportion far higher than 1000 € for the celebrations of 'important event. Further
voice which, in my opinion would require the use of resources, is related to information and training through conferences, congresses, seminars and workshops aimed at specific professions, age groups or carriers of specific interest sector not only to improve the professional resources already in the area but also to develop and cultivate new ones.
Everything I have stated previously, stems from my personal analysis of the budget that may like or not, of course, but who wants to be and is exclusively my point of view, within the limits of my knowledge and expertise on budget itself, on the work of the junta and the preparation by the same term of the next three years and not least on the political ability and foresight of the Mayor in his person.
Finally and in conclusion to my remarks, I declare my support to the programming that we are discussing.
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