(in the box with a copy of cricket)
Sitting to think a moment has never hurt anyone, much less to those who believe that thinking is - talking about Enlightenment - that faculty which makes man free. Then the base is there to understand what the free man, who he is, what it does, where it is, what he wants ...
The man is now, as there was and will continue to be as again tomorrow and for a long time, beyond all these pseudo-stories or related to the number 12. The man who was there, there, there will, however, must strive to do something that does not always do. That thinking.
Think of whether something is difficult, complex, takes time, commitment, dedication and also a lot of mental effort. All these things that are available to man and in his soul but does not often find in him the right interest. A man who would have all the tools available to think, understand and act accordingly, more often than you think, understands and acts according to what is suggested by the different speakers of the crickets consumer-utilitarian society of the third millennium. Well, about crickets ...
... this is my moment SuperQuark, [[I do not want to Piero and Alberto Angela]]
emblematic example of Jiminy Cricket is the television as it is pure, without reservation, the priest, the baker, the greengrocer, the industrialist, the worker or member of parliament. Probably I am a cricket speaker. All crickets are talking to others, but we are not for ourselves, you are no longer for ourselves when we take very little time and think up something on it and say our conclusions.
Jiminy Cricket is unavoidable, is one who thinks and says, making sentences ... effect of esteem now and later. It is therefore not be pursued the extermination of crickets speakers for the simple fact that we all are. E 'can, however, one thing is very simple from a certain viewpoint. Sit down to think, observe, reflect, at peace with oneself and without influence of any kind. We are all talking crickets, it is true, but many of these crickets speakers make the effort to think, think seriously. Others are talking of the crickets that sounds like a player, they return the argument devised by other speakers crickets. Then there are those who think and pretend to listen and repeat, but the smarter but do not have it easy because the traitor is discovered sempre.Altri crickets are still talking but a little unfortunate, because they do not think mother nature has intended for them this fate, as others think but instead are in no position to express their thoughts (think of a speaker who can not play cricket because it lacks a leg). Other Category crickets is that of crickets while staying silent they can communicate by simply placing something like that or something here rather than there. There are many categories of crickets
speakers, many others I verrebero in mind. But one always stands out at all, that of the Crickets talking, thinking that the first speakers. Already, the crickets-thinking speakers are those who take the whole society of the crickets in hand, they are able to be heard, to ensure that others repeat what they say and most of all the spaces to contend with other cricket-thinking speakers . But the cricket is always better than anyone what he thinks unlike cricket dumb luck or reproducing sounds. Whether you think in one way or another is good, this is important is that you think cricket is a minimum in order to provide some space for himself. So, we are always willing to listen to the crickets and to repeat his words. A society where only those who think a little is good a company is very distorted, is not as it should be. The crickets are all shackles, and because they do not try to think a attimino? Takes very little ... stop repeating the symphony of cricket cricket red or brown rather than to shackle blue, white or black ... and stop idling let the cricket thinking to think even for the remainder of the community of crickets. Used very little, start to be all a bit more thinking and less crickets crickets recording sounds. This does not mean that we should not listen to the symphonies of other crickets!
means that on these symphonies, it must reflect, one must think and you have to put your own stamp or negative as they should also add your own thoughts and their musical influence. A world of crickets suitable to represent the company is what you should have in mind. Think, reflect, study and understand what we are, what we see, what we feel and that we would probably pretend to be good but in reality may not be.
Grilli and not thinking ... cricket all separated by a subtle difference, there are those who think and who's not there!
(in the box above: example of cricket)
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