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the Italian school system is Gentile: kitchen science is low, technical stuff, the elite has to learn Latin. So we have the habit of doing math even more Latin in high school science.
"The elementary school children love science and are very good. Perceive mathematics as a game, which may be useful. Then, at the beginning of the school breaks, is pleased that the sense of utility. It is done intentionally. "
An anti-science conspiracy?
"No, silly belief that we must teach the formal language of mathematics.
that we apply to reality is a diminutive. So the rods become "segments," to give an example. With the illusion of teaching abstract reasoning. But ending nell'astruso. The sciences are practical matters in elementary school, high school and become an abstract narrative. No longer an experiment, do not look any more. "
"But I started to divide the total hours per week in two parts. On the one hand we must certainly begin to teach the grammar of mathematics and science. But at the same time we need to invest sufficient time to solve real problems using the rules learned. Needless to infinite expressions of First Instance without knowing which way to look for something that we know not having all the necessary information. "
But the issues become.
"No, they are problems with unreal situations invented specifically for use by the rules. Instead we must do the opposite: use math to read a chart, to pay for an account, even to play the lottery. To live is to use percentages: children learn to effortlessly fractions but they go on tilt before percentages that are fractions on the basis of 100, because no one makes you use. The mathematics used to understand what data, what information we need and organize them in a logical way to understand the world and the Governor many times in our lives. "
The child scientist is transformed into a scientific illiterate high school.
"Since middle school dominates narrated a vision of science. Book learning photosynthesis, but the plants are out there. Science is the experimental method by which we learn to read the world, but our kids to school to learn more to read the grammar of a scientific phenomenon, from photosynthesis to entropy, and to report. "
"But it would be nice to have a working group that worked for months to build an experiment from a principle of physics or cellular biology or chemistry. Study the beginning and sets up the experiment. Then maybe a video clip, and it puts the Internet. "
But there are laboratories.
"Yes, and theaters, where students go and look, at best, the professor who runs an experiment abstruse This should include a scientific principle: still grammar and narrative rather than reality. "
What to do?
"In recent years, many teachers in many schools have done extraordinary things. Remain isolated experiences. The school can be changed only with small steps and only focusing on teachers and principals who want to get busy. "
The flip side of mobile payment .
How . With the help of a programmer, the two have worked to create Square: a magnetic reader in like a white square (2.5 centimeters) to be inserted in the audio jack of your smartphone. Then I moved on to writing the software and its application for the iPhone. The system works extremely simple: After "crawling" the paper, the reader turns the magnetic data into electrical signals, the application at this point, translates the information in an encrypted file and mail servers to Square. And 'here, finally, that the transaction is completed through the global network. The person making the purchase is required to sign directly on the phone, and then decide if you like a receipt via e-mail or text message. Create an account and http://www.repubblica.it/tecnologia/2011/02/25/news/pagamenti_square_cellulare-12823085/ it is equally easy: just download the application by the Apple App Store or (new in the last days) from the Android Market, install it on your device, accept the terms of service and enter some personal data. Et voila: the box arrives by mail within 48 hours, but right now you can accept payments by typing on the iPhone or the Droid few, essential information on the paper and its owner.
costs. Of course, convert to Square has its cost: the system, in fact, "eat" 2.75% of each transaction, a figure that includes the company's earnings and reimbursements for companies credit cards. In absolute terms, the cost may seem higher than the activation and operation of a terminal "traditional", but - at least in the U.S. market - it is not so predictable. "There are several reasons why ordinary people do not accept credit cards," explains Dorsey. "The payment system is extraordinarily complex, opaque and expensive. First you have to apply for a merchant account through a bank or an independent organization. The only question involves a credit check, which can take up to one week. Then you have to buy the 'hardware, and for wireless equipment is around $ 900. Not to mention the monthly cost: between 15 and $ 25, even if customers do not buy anything. "For all these reasons, adds Keith Rabois, COO of start-up and former business manager for PayPal and LinkedIn," agrees traders Square is a way to enhance their business " .
When you buy a van, there's a lot to think about. Especially if you decided to buy one that is not brand new. Any used vehicle can have problems associated with it, if not properly checked out. There are a number of types to choose from and you choose what should be a good value for money. Be sure to select a previously owned truck that is a good buy. It makes no sense to buy one at a cost that is very close to a new one. Therefore, spend some time thinking about the color and style you want to buy. Will also be important to think about what is the maximum price that you pay. Knowing these things, you can narrow your selection in a short period of time. The model of Van
You might already have your heart set on a particular type of model van. There are so many of their production will be important to find the right fit and style for your needs. Think about what that will be used per.Le needs will be different for the transport of a large family, as opposed to a generator to a building necessary to carry tools. The level of comfort and space will vary depending on your needs, and this should be taken into account when looking at van models.
When you think the model of van that you want to buy, whether to revise the Web site or ask friends how could it be the benzina.Uno that requires a lot of money to fill it will not be a big acquisto.Questo may be the reason that the person might be selling their used van. Therefore, to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe model you are looking for.
Inspect the van:
Once you have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe model you want to buy, go shopping for your used van. You can buy online, watch the ads in the newspaper or contact your dealer nearby. The best known source, the best to purchase a vehicle. Before you commit to buy, esaminarlo.Guardate the vehicle to see if there are any ruggine.Se have your mechanic, ask him to inspect the van to see if it is worth buying. A professional mechanic would be able to see things that are not evident on a vehicle. The former owner to ask why they are selling. It could be a problem with maintaining it.
Insurance and prices:
Once you find one, look at the total cost for the purchase of essa.Essa must be licensed and assicurato.Pochi van insurance quotes can be obtained on-line.Dovrete only input in your information and answer some questions about the vehicle to quickly get specific van insurance quotes.
Many people fail to take into consideration all the additional costs that will have to pay for the purchase of a furgone.In some cases, you can try to negotiate the price of the seller to save some money.
With so many ways to save on insurance car, you must keep an open mind. No matter what it takes, every dollar you save is a dollar that you get to keep for yourself.
Here are three of the most common and best ways to save on your policy:
1. It stops the thought that one must work with the same company, month after month. Even if you were buying the same car insurance provider for many years, you have the right to make a change, if desired.
2. Use the Internet. You learn more than you ever thought possible by going online, looking for quotes and comparing the policy against the information you find. Who knows, you may realize that your car insurance is just about as accessible as it gets.
3. Do not choose the best. Even if you want to have insurance for your vehicle top notch, there is no reason to believe that you need to spend money to cover more. This is especially true if you drive a car older or one that is not so much the effort.
Can you put these three points in practical use and, if so, you should find relatively easy to save a lot of money you save on auto coverage assicurativa.Più better sentire.Non you to spend another dollar paying a society that is asking too much for the coverage are provided.
The need for insurance is very clear, even temporary insurance can be invaluable in times of accidents grimy. You may regret the purchase of a policy at the end of the trip, but ask anyone who had met an accident and say that they really regretted not buying coverage before you travel.
Going on vacation or travel for visits to distant relatives is certainly a car. Before you travel, it is essential to have insurance before guide, especially if they cross the line stato.Ogni state has a minimum requirement of coverage for driving a car legally, which is why it is important to search for and buy more insurance coverage temporary before a trip . Whenever you own a car, using a loan, or using a rental car, you should have the necessary insurance cover is essential. Permanent insurance is a wise move naturally. Temporary car insurance is the good choice and works well with a car loan, rented or owned and protects the driver and passengers from unnecessary costs of accidents and repairs.
As everyone knows, Temporary car insurance can be used to protect multiple drivers on one vehicle with a long-term insurance policy on a driver specificato.Molte insurance companies that have long-term insurance companies also offer short-term car insurance that can be used in combination with a criterion esistente.Un drivers can purchase a temporary cover every time he uses the vehicle at a given time and have as much insurance coverage as long termine.Dà some comfort to the original owner of the vehicle know that the drivers of its vehicles were adequately covered and be protected from any costs inutili.Ed taxes from the purchase of short-term insurance obviously smaller than the costs of an accident.
When shopping for car insurance is necessary to consider all the details that make up the criteria. Someone who can afford to neglect is the franchise. Some people think this does not make a big deal, but they are wrong. In reality, the franchise is something you need to be aware of all times. Did you know that will also determine what is charged for car insurance?
There are two types of exemptions: collision and comprehensive. As you can imagine, the collision is one that will be used if you enter a incidente.Globale is more for things like a broken windshield.
However, you must consider both and how it affects you and the amount you pay for. In general, the higher the deductible you will have less money to pay for car insurance. That said, if you need to ask a question you have to pay more money out of pocket. For this reason you want to find a happy mezzo.Per get a better idea of \u200b\u200bhow this will affect the premium, ask for an estimate at different deductible levels, the car insurance company. This will give you a better idea of \u200b\u200bwhere you are and what should be purchased.
You should be very careful with the excesses that have sceglie.Le more information on this detail of your policy the best you are going to let this one essere.Non slip through the cracks!
When it comes to car insurance, most insurers use a carrot and stick approach to pricing of premiums. Insurance carriers reward drivers for being safe and punish those drivers who break the rules of the road. Unfortunately, even the most responsible drivers still are not always all the discounts they deserve.
So, what is a good driver to do? For starters, you can group all policies and look around. A typical family household may have two or more drivers, two or more cars and a home insurance policy with any other carriers. Most insurance companies give multi-policy discounts. These discounts can easily amount to hundreds of dollars or more per year in savings. Another popular reward is called a loyalty discount. Most carriers will give you a discount for simply being a loyal customer. If you do not see this discount auto insurance, call your insurance company and ask if you offrono.Le chances are that they do.
Finally, if you have not had any accidents or tickets in the last five years or more you should see a safe driver discount. The length of time it takes to be considered a driver certainly varies between carriers, as there is not no number impostato.Se you do not have a safe driver discount on your policy, call your carrier and ask how you can qualify for their discount driver good news is sicuro.La that these discounts can usually be combined to give you the lowest possible premium for car insurance.
find convenient to compare quotes from several different vendors can be very time consuming, unless you use the services of an insurance broker. Port Angeles car insurance quotes that are collected by a broker are many people to help save time and money on their auto insurance. By
only a phone call, instead of seeking and following with a lot of different agents, people who are in need of updating or applying for car insurance, you can go about their day doing things that are important to them while someone else takes the chore of find the best coverage at the best price on their car insurance policy Port Angeles local.
For most drivers take the time to search for a number of different insurance companies and call around the same coverage with a car matching ore.Per can take many individuals who are concerned about saving money and want to still the best coverage they can get, their insurance broker Port Angeles can take care of all the legwork involved in finding the right policy at the best price, while they take care of other important things in their lives.
only take the time to talk with their insurance broker car Port Angeles their needs and what type of protection cover they want from their insurance carrier, individuals can give them information from a representative and receive a series of quotations the best recommendation for their policy from an insurance broker with experience who is interested in maintaining the long-term needs of their customers.
If you want to buy car insurance online are not alone. But before we can begin there are some hints and details that you want to keep in mind. Although the purchase auto insurance online is the new way of doing things, you have to be ahead of the curve to ensure that you make the most of this process. The last thing you want to do is waste time online - this should never be the case.
The first step in buying car insurance online is to know what you are looking for. You want quotes? Or do you just need to know the type of insurance that is out there? Remember, you can find everything you need, and much more, when you start to search online. Once
ready, you must obtain at least a mention - even if three or more is meglio.Con these quotes in hand will be able to compare many companies and coverage levels. Soon enough you should have a good feel for the industry, how much you need to pay and what you are going to get your money.
Finally, you can call before making a purchase. In this way, you can ask questions to a qualified representative before you pull out your card credito.Naturalmente, this is not mandatory.
All in all, you should be able to follow this advice and buy an auto insurance policy online.Non is nothing stopping by to join millions of others people who did this.