signed by Jules, Jim and my mom
When working on a screenplay, those is its starting point? "Lastoriae ipersonaggi.Avevo a very difficult relationship with my family, pnrticolare with my mother, and only some nnno ago I realized that he made" Jules et Jim "for his farlepiscereeavere approvszione. Love played a role importantenellnvitadimiamadree as "Les 400 coups" for her was like a coltellats in the back, I made "Jules et Jini" hoping to show her that I understood. " "Jules et Jim" was a feminist movie in advance? "I confess that I feel moltoimbarazzatoafare" Jule "et Jim" now, because I would tastidio relationships that could be found between this story, in which the woman is everywhere, and the feminist movement. What he did for "Jules et Jim" is my favorite book was not only the style, incredibly sophisticated in its simplicity, Henri-Pierre Ruche, but also the message of tolerance that emerged between the lines. Throughout his life, the heroine of Catherine movies1, two men who will love my free-will to stop loving her. One of them is German, Jule; other things, Jim, is French. In cottage in which they live is also Sabine, the only daughter of Jules and Catherine, and this gives the film a family atmosphere and sweet. And that was what I liked, "to make a film with a subversive sweetness total," without attacking the public, but enveloping tenderness forcing him to accept, screen Suil situations in the life sentenced avreìibe. "Jules et 'Mm" is a dream we all suffer from the temporary side of our love and this movie just made us dream of eternal love. That's it. "
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