Sunday, February 20, 2011

Is There Are Real Hidden Blade Toy

weak, the losers hate

I noticed a peculiarity which leaves me a bit 'and I dalpubbico differs from the average audience DESL: ml I identify with the characters weak, never strong. This explains why I never liked the movie with Errol Flynn, the movie Tarzan. I could not identify with the force. I will go further: from a character who represents evil repla ions identify with evil. 4ON perch4 know, maybe I should go by the psychoanalyst -.. If I try now the reasons for this, I think that's because I went to the cinema and saw the film in secret in a state of guilt-the rest works well for books. DetestavoaulesVerneeilibri ocr boys. When I read Madame Bovary "I identified completely with Emma. Had problems with my lady love, to me was forseunpo 'troppopresto, but I was interested. "


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