Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Kanto Battle Frontier

So run to the election news & info

(from Time) The opposition said the offer spades of the Prime Minister to discuss with an economic reform program. So the situation of permanent conflict will become increasingly hot.

The situation is serious and too serious for once. The opposition said the offer spades of the Prime Minister to discuss with an economic reform program. It was to be attenderselo, but the way their arguments and evidence that neither the Democratic Party nor to his fellow travelers interested in the country. For the Democrats okay one solution: a government led by Berlusconi, who no longer comes out from the polls. In this scenario this is not an option, but the Democrats for decades lacks that ingredient of the policy is called realism. So the situation of permanent confrontation become increasingly incendiary to the point that the early elections remain the only possible way out on the table in a thermonuclear war games that threatens to destroy all. Attention, Berlusconi will not vote at all costs, that is not his first choice. The move to send an open letter in opposition was intelligent, has put the Democrats to face their responsibilities and made policy appear in the cocktail bar very high alcohol content made up of a judiciary unleashed in the hunt for the premier, a circuit that plays euphorically information to target shooting and a Democratic Party unable to have their own line by the judges. This is the concoction that is leading us to the polls. Open now an electoral cycle is not desirable, but the dish impressed by the action of the judiciary seems to leave no escape Cav.

Demand for fast-track trial for Mr Berlusconi arrives in a few days, the revelations of the acts of the judiciary are in a continual stream, the media circuit that rotates around the circle acts as a megaphone of the robes to mobilize the mass executioner. We will soon see the result of this gigantic operation to discredit. There is a plan for the "after", but a clear goal for the 'here and now' the Knight unhorsed at all costs. Then we'll see. It is a case of pure adventurism that does not have a single sponsor, but many supporters from the tiny vision. No one understood that a transition towards 2013 can not be studied at a table against Berlusconi, but agreed and fielded with Berlusconi. Five decades of Christian Democratic and Communist political culture seem to have taught anyone anything. So the opposition should be in any order against a wall of the block and PDL-titanium alloy in the fort closes, resist as long as there are numbers, then at some point decide to go to try to vote to pave everything.

Nitroglycerin in comparison is a clamshell-flammable, but here we are faced with a Santa Barbara high potential who threatens to blow up the whole political system. No coincidence that Berlusconi is behind the words of an underlying anger that is contained because of the possibility to set up a draft bipartisan reforms and raised the gallows in the square, the opposition chooses to support the operation Jacobean without even going to see the papers of the Knight. It is a very bad signal. For everyone. The exit strategy is not because the climate perceived by the Palace, not the real one in the country is tainted by prejudice and whether staff both sides. That policy is a club that moves on the basis of established rituals and self-referential. Parties in the Committee of National Liberation by Silvio think the Bausch Arcore is running out, that this time the hammer drilling of the judiciary has broken through the fuselage of the fighter signs with the Alfa. Not so, but the state of the art is of little importance. The operation Craxi that I wrote a few days ago, go ahead, it is independent from reality.

does not matter if Berlusconi has more than twice the votes of the Socialist Party of craxiana memory and it is crucial that all surveys for the Knight is still the only leader can for a country to the brink of an institutional sbrego between North and South is right when he says the Minister Angelino Alfano, "we have not lost the Catholic vote." Berlusconi's opponents forget that Berlusconi is an underground river of Italian society, that our country is not Catholic but Lutheran, which the Puritans that we have never had any luck with clams and moralists spernacchiati are just around the corner. Compare as was the case last night at The Infidel Gad Lerner Berlusconi Herod and links them with the dictators of North Africa and the Middle East does not move any step forward towards resolving the crisis and the change of scenario for the country.

Understanding the reasons of the adversary used to prepare the future victory. This in opposition "Bobò 'bourgeois and bohemian salon and talkative, a bit' much caviar and beams, is a rarity. Dealing with contempt of ridicule, as did Italo Bocchino, a comparison between a democratically elected leader el'ormai former dictator Tunisia Ben Ali, perhaps gives a newspaper headline, but does not produce a credible in the eyes of those who may be uncertain or in any case want to know what he prepares for the future. Is this scenario does not add up in the accounts of post-communist left, the centrists who have not learned the lesson of the Christian Democrats and former right Finian missing, is this the real reason why seventeen wrong x-ray years of Berlusconi. The fight with the foaming at the mouth and the bayonet, but without an ounce of brains. Sure, next time may well win the election for attrition of the opponent and pounding on the court briefs quick opening of Cav, but in fact five minutes after the victory hardcore, enemies will always find themselves once again with the problems of ever, which translates into one word: ungovernable.

Mario Sechi


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