Friday, February 18, 2011

Ps3 Surround Sound Hdmi Diagram


many roots - Google chat status - Public - Muted nobody wants to say no? http://federicobadal / snodi/00971/hackatho n-the-guardian-new-tool-to- journalists. html

was carried out by
Vueo is an application that is used to manage direct mixing video streams to users. Box appears on the monitor as there are many small streams sent from the iPhone connected to the system, a video mixer allows you to choose from time to time by the video "broadcast" on your site within a single video stream resulting. Think what you could do in Tahrir square with one-tenth of the costs that had burdened with CNN. The team of Le Monde has been working on a tool that allows you to filter, mix and edit web pages information from Twitter and Flickr. A sort of
. Their intention is indeed to be able to develop an instrument at home with these characteristics and place of writing in the editorial system that works at the site of their newspaper. AudioSlidedeck is instead a tool to synchronize audio and photos from Flickr and AudioBoo through the iPhone. The result of the "audiogallerie" very impressive, along the lines of what is already the case today for example, using Soundslides on your computer. The Developers Spotify tried to produce an application that captures the eye movements via a webcam, playing a different song for each area of \u200b\u200ba web page where the user focuses his eyes.
also interesting experiment tried
, which creates a collection of tweets, photos, and video post. This collection is made available to the editor as a box that can be inserted into the post. The team worked
Glyn Wintle, a freelance journalist working with the BBC.

Most likely the Guardian organize such an event again next year. I suggest to all the Italian software house to be there. If you want to have a better idea of \u200b\u200bdetail, the tweet of the event can be found all over
here, with the hashtags # GSxSW.


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